Band-aids and scars.

Astonishingly, he seemed to get it. He calmed down almost immediately. Where he had once feared that this pain and bleeding might indeed go on indefinitely for the rest of his life, he now had evidence to the contrary. His panic was replaced by a peace allowing him to somehow put up with the pain.

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Surprised by relinquishment.

Let it go. It’s hard not to think of a certain kid’s movie right? But Frozen ins’t really telling the truth, because it’s all about self-realisation…which isn’t letting it go at all. In a ‘get more’ world, relinquishment is a dirty word. But I have been confronted by how central it is to God’s plans […]

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Re-understanding Parenthood.

So I thought a great way to celebrate the 100th post on the blog would be to introduce a new tag; parenthood. I’m learning a lot about parenthood, perhaps because Alycia and I are so blessed to have such a ‘gentle teacher’ in Joshua. The ultimate teacher though has been God and his Word and […]

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