Sharing the load.

Here’s an important question when we are looking at issues of burnout and exhaustion: why do we overload ourselves?

I believe it is because of a combination of the following:

We overestimate ourselves
We ache to look like a pro, like we can handle anything because we breathe an atmosphere that idolises performance and effectiveness.

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How nervous are you about your visit?

I wonder if we had a ‘how nervous are you about your visit?’ form in our info pac that people receive when they come thru the door at church? Would people fill it out? Would they fill it out honestly or tell us what they think we want to hear? Would it be more than just visitors, but also some regulars that would surprise us by filling it out?

I guess this is the main question; if every visitor did fill one out, what would be the average score?

Read more "How nervous are you about your visit?"

Recharge thyself.

I recently when through a quintessentially modern crisis.

My phone has started doing some strange things. I’m due for a new one, but I’m trying to hold out till tax time. The issue is that I’m nervous that this little device that is just about the most necessary item that I carry on my person may have it’s own schedule for death mapped out.

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Free Parking

So I am of course no longer engaged in youth ministry. However, a few may not be aware that I do still wear the hat of volunteer youth worker at a local primary school. I find this invaluable as it is such a breath of fresh air from the Christian fishbowl that ministry can become. […]

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Band-aids and scars.

Astonishingly, he seemed to get it. He calmed down almost immediately. Where he had once feared that this pain and bleeding might indeed go on indefinitely for the rest of his life, he now had evidence to the contrary. His panic was replaced by a peace allowing him to somehow put up with the pain.

Read more "Band-aids and scars."

On the cutting room floor.

As mentioned before, we at Waratah have been on a journey thru the story of Moses. Although this is the longest and most detailed series I have yet done, such is the depth of the source material (the Scriptures) there is still a bunch of stuff that just hasn’t beem able to fit in sermons. […]

Read more "On the cutting room floor."