You asked….Why does God allow Christians to be tortured and killed for their faith?

I have marvelled at how Christians enduring persecution are a lot better at dealing with its reality that with the many of us who are not. Maybe that is because in their suffering, they have been driven to such depth in their relationship with God that they can almost see, taste and touch the ‘better resurrection’ that the author of Hebrews talks about at the end of chapter 11.

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You asked….Why is the western world becoming more hateful of Christians? Will it eventually lead to persecution of western Christians?

Hmm, this is a ripper to get back to the ‘you asked’ series with. It’s a complex question: Why is the western world becoming more hateful of Christians? Will it eventually lead to persecution of western Christians? As usual, let me start as simple as possible and then unpack it as I go. I think […]

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